Proudly Serving Charlottesville & Surrounding Areas


Job completed for Bart P.

Completion date: June 27, 2022

Location: Charlottesville, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

Air conditioning was not working because the indoor fan motor had failed. Another company had recommended a system replacement and we were recommended to Bart for another perspective.

Solutions provided:

In our evaluation, we discussed the failed indoor fan motor but also took into account system type, age and any other recent service and operational issues. Given the system type and age, we would expect at least another 5 years for this system, so we recommended to replace the motor vs replace the system.

With approval, we sourced a new motor and replaced the system. We also performed a complete maintenance - cleaning coils, verifying safe and proper operation - and returned the system to service.

Team members on this project:

Jesse Fairall