Proudly Serving Charlottesville & Surrounding Areas


Job completed for Luca D.

Completion date: May 2, 2019

Location: Charlottesville, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

We LOVE our maintenance clients. And Luca and his family have trusted Zephyr since our early days. This was our spring maintenance visit and after cleaning and checking all of the components, we determined the system was low on refrigerant charge.

Solutions provided:

We added R-410a refrigerant and an injectable leak sealant so the system will provide cooling comfort. We also reviewed our records and noted that this is the second sealant injection we have added and the second year in a row we added refrigerant. Based on this we had a deeper conversation with our clients to learn more about the history of the system - problems from its earliest days. So we worked with our clients to come up with a plan to identify the root cause of the problems and fix them. Those return visits will be detailed in future posts.