Proudly Serving Charlottesville & Surrounding Areas


Job completed for Haike G.

Completion date: August 28, 2019

Location: Charlottesville, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

Client lost AC during a very hot stretch of the summer and called Zephyr after another company provided only a short-term "repair" that lasted less than 48 hours.

Solutions provided:

First, we set up several portable AC units to provide some relief to our client and his guests. Second, we identified the problem as a complete failure of an indoor coil on a system beyond its warranty period. Third, we provided options to repair the system and to replace it - recommending replacement to achieve higher efficiency and to bring the system back under warranty.

In the end, the client selected a complete system replacement. We replaced the system and returned comfort to our client's home.

Team members on this project:

Man Gamble